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Groupwise Auto reply / vacation rules

This How-To will enable your Lowell GroupWise mailbox to auto-reply to messages and/or appointments received while you are away for an extended period. This rule operates only during the dates specified in the rule itself. You may easily reuse this rule at anytime by simply altering the dates defined and altering your auto-reply message as needed.

How to Create A GroupWise Vacation Rule

  1. From within the GroupWise Client on your computer, click TOOLS, then RULES, and then click on NEW to create a new rule. Type a name for the rule, something like “Vacation Rule.”
  2. Within the new rules properties window, do the following:
    1. WHEN EVENT IS = New Item is selected, and Received is check marked.
    2. ITEM TYPES = Select “Mail” for email messages.
      1. For “INCLUDE ENTRIES WHERE…” click All Fields, then find and select DELIVERED. For the rest of the defined condition fields, choose select “>= ON OR AFTER DATE”, (make sure you select the “On Or After DATE” option and not just “On or After” option.) Now, replace the date that appears with the date you're leaving. Next, select END and choose AND to start another row.
      2. For the next row you will define the end of your vacation. First select Delivered again, then choose “⇐ ON OR BEFORE DATE” then replace the date with the day you're returning. Again, select END and choose AND to start another row.
      3. In the new third row, select TO as the first option. Leave “[] CONTAINS” in the second, then type your e-mail address in the next box ( This ensures that only e-mail sent directly to you and not as a group email will be affected. In the last pop-up menu, once again, select END and choose AND to start another row.
      4. In the forth and final row, select FROM, then select “[x] Does Not Contain”, and then in the third field type your e-mail address. This ensures that your rule will not get caught in an autoloop. Finally, leave END in the last pop-up menu of this last row. Click OK to close the Define Conditions Box.
    4. Go down to “Then Actions Are”, and click ADD ACTION, then REPLY. Make sure Reply to Sender is selected, then click OK.
    5. Type your “I'm on Vacation and you're not” message, then click OK.
    6. Click Save, then Close. That's it, you're done!

NOTE: You can change these dates any time to re-use the rule and it will only operate during the specified dates.
NOTE: In your GroupWise Client Rules Menu List : Rules that have a check mark next to them are activated. Rules with no check mark are deactivated.

groupwise_auto_reply_vacation_rules.1522244395.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/28 09:39 by jasonw